Patrick Guy Sibley Huntrods
AKA: Pat Fish - The Jazz Butcher
1957-12-20 .. 2021-10-05
Tributes In Words
Tributes In Song
Rolo McGinty - Another World
David J - Quelle Tristesse
David J's tribute to Pat Fish. 7"+CDR released Jan 6, 2023 Video by Barry Hale
Peter Astor - Fine & Dandy
It’s always difficult to hear about an old companions passing; we shared a history together, sometimes close, many times not. But the loss ended up bigger than I’d imagined. There was a tribute show and without consciously intending to, a song came, as is often the way, stuff coming up from inside.I thought of him looking down on us from his version of heaven, and typically, telling us that all was well.Go well on the endless sea, my friend
Knight Berman - Au Revoir et Merci, Monsieur Fish
Gratitude and love to Pat Fish (The Jazz Butcher), 1957-2021 RIP. Sketch by KC c1991, song by The Marble Tea. Special thanks to all the Conspirators for knowing how it feels.
Stereo Embers The Podcast - Pat Fish (The Jazz Butcher)
An interview and obit, combined. "He loved his cat, he loved to read, he loved to drink, he loved to smoke and he loved to play music. Recorded in 2013 as the Jazz Butcher’s The Last Of The Gentleman Adventurers album hit shelves, this interview finds Fish in fine form, talking about the new record, Roddy Frame, The Blue Nile, his long-standing relationship with Eider and why it’s so hard to age in rock and roll…"